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News from July 17

USDA posts 2020 Dietary Guidelines Committee’s report Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee Report Beef and Pork Supply Chain Recovering USDA farm assistance program A casualty of...

News from July 10

The Chronicle explores how presidents from across sectors are promoting institutional stewardship and morale that drive institutions into the future. The webinar session on July...

News from July 3

Racial Equity in the Food System Webinar: Perceptions, Reality, and the Road Ahead Colleges Are in for a Racial Reckoning.  Name Changes Are Only...

News from June 26

What Leaders Sa and Do When There is NOT a Crisis Matters The Smart Way to Improve Online Learning Emails Reveal Chaos as...

“Leading with Constrained Resources”

June 10th Cooler Chat Theme “”Leading with Constrained Resources” ” You know you will be asked to make financial cuts in the coming year.  Will...

News from June 12

A Special Message from APLU’s Board of Directors Executive Committee & President APLU Supports #ShutdownSTEM’s Call to Eradicate Racism & Build Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive...