Cohort 9 Projects
Joseph M. Anderson, “Increase Enrollment in Plant Sciences –broadly speaking”
Titus Awokuse, “Develop a Strategic Plan for International Programs”
Kim Babbitt, “Establishing an Agricultural Study Abroad Program(s)”
Kristina Boone, “Proposal development and program launch of a secondary major in global food systems leadership”
Donna Brown, “Proposed Group Designed Major on the Wind River Indian Reservation”
Richard Cavaletto, “Student Success: Strengthening Academic Advising in the College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences.”
Donald Conner, “Working to Create New Poultry Farm Facilities”
Christopher R. Daubert, “The North Carolina Food Processing & Manufacturing Initiative: Growing a New Economy for North Carolina”
Henry Fadamiro, “A Strategic Plan for Improving Global Programs in the College of Agriculture, Auburn University”
Wendy Fink, “Review and Defense of the Higher Education Challenge Grants”
Brent Hales, “Train Native American Communities”
Johnny D. Jones, “Build Sustainable Food Systems for Tribes”
John Killefer, “Frontier Oregon–Rural Economic Development Effort”
Thomas A. Melton, “Developing a More Efficient and Proficient Model for North Carolina Extension””
Michael Newman, “Internationalize MSU Agriculture and Extension”
Michael Orth, “Development of a Companion Animal Science Program”
Kirk Pomper, “Kentucky Climate Change Center”
Peter L. Ryan, “Partnership between MSU and Community Colleges in Precision Agriculture: Seamless Transition of Transfer Students to MSU” and “Planning and Implementation of Tenure Track Lines for Extension Faculty”
Martin Sancho-Madriz, “Assessing the Startegic Plan for the University to do with Academic Affairs”
Jane Schuh, “Interdisciplinary Strategies to Operationalize Agricultural Research and University Growth to Benefit ND (and the world)”
Tom Scott, “Student Leadership Program at the National and International Levels”
Scott A. Shearer, “Data Cooperatives: A Partnership Between Land Grant Institutions and the Private Sector”
Celvia E. Stovall, “Developing an Urban Advisory Council”
Ben West, “Development of a new 4-H and Conference Center in Tennessee”
Allen Wysocki, “A Strategic Plan for the UF/IFAS CALS Statewide Teaching Programs”